
Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Hospital Tragedy

So you find out your pregnant. At first your excited and then scared. You're scared of the whole giving birth experience. Once you have your little bundle of joy all the months of discomfort and all the hours of labor all seem worth it. But what happens to your baby after you give birth? So many tragedys occur in hospitals on a daily basis. Babies being accidently swapped with other babies, people stealing babies. We put our trust and our most precious possessions in the hands of doctors and nurses and put our faith that they are taking the proper precautions and measures with them. Unfortunately, many times that is not the case.

Dennis Quaid and his wife, Kimberly Buffington have experienced every parent's nightmare. On November 8th, Quaid and his wife welcomed a set of fraternal twins, Thomas Boone and Zoe Grace. These poor little babies are now fighting for their lives because of an overdose of Heparin, a blood thinner. These babies were supposed to be given 10 units, however they were given 10,000 units!! Apparantly the Heparin was put in the wrong place and the nurse administered the Heparin without realizing the dosage.

The twins are at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the neo-natal intensive care unit and are in stable condition after being given protamine sulfate, used to reverse the effects of Heparin. As of now the twins have not experienced any adverse effects from the high dosage. They are being closely monitored by the doctors.

We will continue to keep the twins in our prayers and hope that they will be ok.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As an expectant mom, this really concerns me. How can they (the nurses) think that the twins would need 10,000! Incredible! I wish nothing but the best to those twins and Dennis Quaid's family...

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