
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Hollywood Headlines...

Not so ever after...
It seems yet another "Hollywood" family is calling it quits after a whopping 25 years together. Linda Bollea has filed for divorce from Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea, and is asking for half of their assets, alimony and child support for their son Nick. I must say I'm a bit surprised! They always seemed so happy! It just goes to show that things are not always what they appear to be.

Not in a million years...
Well, well, well...who would have thought it? Details magazine's new Power issue has named K-Fed one of the "50 Most Influential Men Under 45," listed as number 7! Wow! If that wasn't enough, he also graced the cover of the magazine! Sheesh! Did anyone think about how we would feel having to see that cover!

Gooble, Gooble a day late...
It appears that the oh-so-lovely Jessica Simpson is getting oh-so-cozy with Dallas Cowboys Quarterback Tony Romo. The oh-so-cute Romo has been linked to Carrie Underwood, Britney Spears, and Sophia Bush. Apparantely Ms. Simpson had her family postpone Turkey Day dinner until Friday, so her "man" could be in attendance since he had a game to play on Thursday. It seems the Simpson clan welcomed Romo with open arms! Everyone together now....awwwwwww!


There you have it...some interesting or maybe not-so-interesting Hollywood gossip! LOL!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving Feasting

When the Halloween pumpkins are gone,
And the leaves have all fallen to ground,
When the air has turned windy and cold,
Then Thanksgiving will soon be around.

Thoughts of loved ones all feasting together,
Pleasant pictures from past times appear
To dwell in each heart and each mind--
Then Thanksgiving is finally here!

The kitchen has scrumptious aromas,
The dining room looks oh, so fine,
Decorations with pilgrims and turkeys,
And now we are ready to dine!

First the napkins are placed on our laps;
Now the prayer for the meal to be blessed,
Then we stuff the good food in our tummies,
And we hope for it all to digest!

Gobble Gobble!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Words of Wisdom


Hospital Tragedy

So you find out your pregnant. At first your excited and then scared. You're scared of the whole giving birth experience. Once you have your little bundle of joy all the months of discomfort and all the hours of labor all seem worth it. But what happens to your baby after you give birth? So many tragedys occur in hospitals on a daily basis. Babies being accidently swapped with other babies, people stealing babies. We put our trust and our most precious possessions in the hands of doctors and nurses and put our faith that they are taking the proper precautions and measures with them. Unfortunately, many times that is not the case.

Dennis Quaid and his wife, Kimberly Buffington have experienced every parent's nightmare. On November 8th, Quaid and his wife welcomed a set of fraternal twins, Thomas Boone and Zoe Grace. These poor little babies are now fighting for their lives because of an overdose of Heparin, a blood thinner. These babies were supposed to be given 10 units, however they were given 10,000 units!! Apparantly the Heparin was put in the wrong place and the nurse administered the Heparin without realizing the dosage.

The twins are at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in the neo-natal intensive care unit and are in stable condition after being given protamine sulfate, used to reverse the effects of Heparin. As of now the twins have not experienced any adverse effects from the high dosage. They are being closely monitored by the doctors.

We will continue to keep the twins in our prayers and hope that they will be ok.


When Dating Relationship Goes Bad...

The overall reason people stay in relationships that just aren't working is because of fear of being alone. Many people are basically considered "walking dead" when it comes to being in a relationship that has no merit of making it. Gabby Love offers many key warning signs that a relationship is on the brink of failure and it's time to move on.

A. Fighting for no reason at all. When you start fighting over petty points that seem to blow out of proportion, i.e. leaving the toilet seat up is a favorite. The man being used to living his whole life on his own all of a sudden is considered inconsiderate and uncaring by the woman if the toilet seat is left up.

B. Showing little or no affection. It's funny how this is such a gray area that can break up a relationship because it's usually determined by the disgruntled party. What is really too much or too little?

C. The dreaded friends of the disgruntled party take center stage. Remember how excited you were when you first met and that special person was considered your true "soul mate" ? Now the meeting of disgruntled friends opinion appears center stage for discussion in your relationship.

D. If there was sexual involvement in the relationship it basically has been stopped or so mundane that you can't wait until you are through. To me this is the real sign it's over. Sex should be considered 90% mental and 10% physical.

E. Conversation in a relationship has become null and void. Remember the long hours on the phone and in person talking about everything? Now you can barely say one word to each other.

F. Finding your focus shifted to others instead of the one you are with. Remember sitting at a table and gazing into each others eyes when you first started dating? Now you look elsewhere instead of with the one you are with.

G. Finding excuses to not be together alone is becoming more evident. One of the favorite cop outs is work. Always working late becomes a popular tool because the other party can say they are too tired to get together.

H. Vacations are spent apart. Let's not forget the movie "How Stella Got Her Groove Back." Vacations apart are meant as a reason to explore new potential recruits. If your mate says they are going to a particular romantic getaway spot by themselves or with friends....boy... the signs are on the wall! It's over!

The above are just a few key points to look out for in a relationship that is going bad. Always remember a healthy relationship should be uplifting and positive.



So sweet, you may cry!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Britney Spears

Ok, lets talk Britney Spears! Everyone needs to leave the poor girl alone! Of course the paparazzi is going to catch her having countless blonde moments-they don't leave the girl alone! The latest thing - she runs over peoples feet while driving! I'm mean are you for real! Imagine trying to pull of of a parking space with a swarm of people at your windows. What do they expect her to do, just sit and wait till they get bored and move away from her car! If you were being watched every second of your day people would catch you doing stupid things! We all do stupid things. God only knows how many other celebrities are doing stupider things yet we don't hear about it because they aren't being stalked! I'm not a huge Britney fan, but enough is enough! Let the poor girl breathe!


Love Quotes

"Even heaven is hell without you." --Source Unknown

"831 means 'I Love You'
8 letters
3 words
1 meaning

"The things that people in love do to each other they remember, and if they stay together it's not because they forget, it's because they forgive."
from the movie, "Indecent Proposal"

"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return."
Christian, from the movie "Mulan Rouge

Fashion Junkee...

If you girls are anything like me then I know you love to shop! I'm always looking for something new and hott to wear! I came across this GREAT site that offers great clothes and great prices. They offer a lot of similar styles worn by celebrities. Check out the site for yourself!


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